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Adding a File Upload to a Form

Stripes makes it very easy to manage file uploads. At its simplest you just include a file field in a stripes form, and match it with a FileBean property on your ActionBean. For example:

Code Block
titleUsing a file field on a JSP
    <stripes:file name="newAttachment"/> 
Code Block
titleA FileBean property in an ActionBean
private FileBean newAttachment; 

public FileBean getNewAttachment() { 
    return newAttachment; 

public void setNewAttachment(FileBean newAttachment) { 
    this.newAttachment = newAttachment; 


The following code shows how you might refactor the code from above to accept multiple files:

Code Block
titleUsing an indexed file field on a JSP
    <c:forEach ... varStatus="loop"> 
    <stripes:file name="newAttachments[${loop.index}]"/> 
Code Block
titleAn Indexed FileBean property in an ActionBean
private List<FileBean> newAttachments; 

public List<FileBean> getNewAttachments() { 
    return this.newAttachments; 

public void setNewAttachment(List<FileBean> newAttachments) { 
    this.newAttachments = newAttachments; 


In case you're going to use CommonsFileupload and also have the cos library in your classpath, you can explicitly configure the CommonsMultipartWrapper by adding the following initialization parameter to the Stripes Filter:

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It is also possible to plug-in replace the code that is responsible for manufacturing an instance of MultipartWrapper in order to add additional control behaviour. This can be done by implementing MultipartWrapperFactory and specifying your custom factory as an initialization parameter to the Stripes Filter.

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