This feature is work-in-progress, and available in 1.7.0-SNAPSHOT.


Async Actions allows handler methods to behave in an asynchronous (Servlet3) fashion. This is mostly used for performance reasons, when a Stripes Action has to can connect to external services (e.g. a web service) in a non-blocking fashion. 


Async event handlers must have the following signature :

public void doSomething(AsyncResponse asyncResponse);

They return void, and accept a single argument of type AsyncResponse. Completion of the async request processing must be done by invoking one of the asyncResponse.complete() variants.


public class SimpleAsync implements ActionBean {
  public void simpleEvent(AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
    // simple without really anything async...
    asyncResponse.complete(new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/stuff.jsp"));
public class ReallyAsync implements ActionBean {
  public void asyncEvent(final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
	// submit to executor service
	ExecutorService executor = ... ; 
	executorService.submit(new Runnable() {
	   public void run() {
			// do anything in a separate thread and complete with a forward
			asyncResponse.complete(new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/stuff.jsp"));    
public class ReallyAsyncWithLambdas implements ActionBean {
  public void asyncEventWithLambda(final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
	// submit to executor service
	ExecutorService executor = ... ; 
	executorService.submit(() -> {
		// do anything in a separate thread and complete with a forward
		asyncResponse.complete(new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/stuff.jsp"));    
public class WithNonBlockingClient implements ActionBean {
  public void nonBlocking(final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
	// call non blocking http client
	httpClient.get('/foo/bar', httpResponse -> {
		// client completed : use http response;
		// and complete...
		asyncResponse.complete(new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/stuff.jsp"));