Sponsors and Tools

Sponsors and Tools

Many organizations have donated free products and services to the Stripes project. We'd like to thank the following companies and recognize them for their continued support! We chose to ask these companies for help because we believe they are the best at what they do, and we whole-heartedly recommend them to you.


The friendly folks at Atlassian provide us with free open source licenses to JIRA and Confluence on their new OnDemand cloud. JIRA is the bug tracking tool we use for Stripes and Confluence is the kick-ass wiki that runs this site.


CloudBees provides a free cloud-based Jenkins build environment for the Stripes project.


JetBrains donates free licenses to their Intellij IDEA IDE, one of the best Java IDEs around.


EJ-Technologies provides the Stripes team with free licenses to their excellent profiling tool, JProfiler

Free Tools

We use a number of free tools to support the development and testing of Stripes, and we love them too! They include:

  • TestNG - an innovative testing framework
  • Ant - the build tool that got Java developers away from make-like tools (smile)
  • SourceForge - SourceForge provides subversion, file download and mailing list support