Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ)


*What is Stripes?
*What does Stripes NOT include?
*What are the Maven IDs for Stripes?
*How can I add to this wiki (and this FAQ)?
*How can I search and add bug reports?
*Where can I get paid support?


Q: What is Stripes?

A: Stripes is a presentation framework.

Q: What does Stripes NOT include?

A: In its core, Stripes does not include any persistence; it does not aspire to be a "full stack" of services. Some extensions are available for additional features, like CRUD persistence via Stripersist.

Q: What are the Maven IDs for Stripes?

A: The maven IDs are:

Q: How can I add to this wiki (and this FAQ)?

A: Visit Sourceforge's overview of the Stripes mailing lists and subscribe to the list you prefer. For general information about the ailing lists, please visit the mailing list description page.

Q: How can I search and add bug reports?

A: The JIRA bug tracker for Stripes has public registration. You have to click the "Signup" link in to register a new account.

Q: Where can I get paid support?

A: Just email the users mailing list.

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