Stripes Around The Web
Stripes Around The Web
Stripes IDE plugins
- IntelliStripes Stripes plugin for Intellij Idea, plugin blog
- Stlipse Stripes plugin for Eclipse
- Stripes Stripes plugin for Netbeans
Libraries Built With Stripes
- Gripes - Stream-lined development with the Stripes Framework using Groovy and Gradle
- Stripes Injection Enricher - Satisfy injection points specified declaratively using @EJB, @Inject and @Resource standard Java EE annotations
- Stripes XSS Interceptor - Stripes XSS Sanitizer. Follows the XSS (Cross Site Scripting) security guidance posted at OWASP
- Stars - Enables seamless integration with JPA, Spring, EJB and Stars service seamlessly via annotation configuration
- Stripes Stuff - A collection of Stripes plugins, including Stripersist, the successor to Stripernate; a security plugin; a JavaScript library for client-side validation; and more
- syracus-stripes - an extension to allow the seamless lookup of Resolution paths (generally views) from localized bundles
- Woko - POJOs on the Web! Full stack, Domain Driven framework.
Web Sites Built With Stripes
- http://nordpos.mobi - a promo site of the web point of sale application for the small business
- http://www.foistee.com/ - A classifieds app that integrates with Facebook
- http://www.orderonline.ae/ - An online food order website for Dubai area restaurants
- http://www.aquatiss.net/boutique/ - aquatiss french online shop of natural pool
- http://www.bva-auctions.com - Dutch auction site
- http://jarpit.com - Collaborative Java Link-Blog
- http://myurl4u.com - Online Web based DNS and Subdomain solution
- http://www.betterinperson.com - Better in Person, a review, recommendation and ecommerce site
- http://www.cmarket.com - cMarket, an online auction site specializing in fundraising for charity and nonprofit organizations
- http://www.europcar.co.za - Europcar South Africa, car rental site for rentals in South Africa and Namibia
- http://www.exclusivebrazilianlingerie.com - Excluse Brazilian Lingerie, online lingerie shop based in the UK (NSFW)
- http://imagesource.cnn.com - CNN's ImageSource, an online archive of CNN videos and images
- http://www.homeglut.com - HomeGlut, a real estate auction site
- https://www.listhub.net - ListHub, a real estate listing syndication service
- https://www.mymatrixjobs.com - MyMatrixJobs, a career and job search site
- http://newslink.asiaone.com - Newslink by AsiaOne, an online archive of Singapore Press' newspapers
- http://www.norriecarr.com - Norrie Carr, a modeling agency based in the UK
- http://www.scienceventures.dk - Science Ventures Denmark, a company specializing in commercializing inventions and patents
- http://www.squace.com - squace, a provider of software and services to improve the mobile internet experience
- http://www.widgetbox.com - a directory of widgets for various platforms
- http://www.itsourtree.com - social networking site focussed on genealogy and family trees
- http://www.eufora.com - Eufora Prepaid MasterCard®, a prepaid card that helps you build your credit
- http://www.tasernetwork.com - Taser Network, a network marketing company for taser parties
- http://findadoctor.uwhealth.org - Find a Doctor tool for UW Health, University of Wisconsin Hospital, Madison
- http://www.phoload.com - Phoload, discover and download free mobile software
- http://www.coldchaintech.info - Information and News about the cold chain sector.
- http://www.fragfinn.de - German media industry and government sponsored kids portal and search engine - Magnolia CMS Stripes Integration was used: mgnlstripes ActionBean paragraphs on homepage, Stripes tags helped to reuse layouts for all cms templates, search results ActionBean paragraph (Google CSE and GSA) and all form handling
- http://www.temprotect.com - Temprotect, a site selling temperature data recorders.
- http://www.itasveer.com/ - iTasveer, a personalized printing service based in India.
- http://www.cylog.org/ - Developer of freeware games and utilities for the Win32 platform and JavaScript web-based games.
- http://www.temperaturetechnology.org/ - Temperature Technology, specializing in temperature monitoring technology news.
- http://www.indiabookstore.net - a meta-search engine for books across Indian book stores.
- http://www.perishabletransport.org - News site dedicated to proper storage and handling of perishable food products.
- http://www.bikemule.com - Green technologies for transportation.
- http://www.timelinebuilder.com - TimeLine Builder - News and Info for Time/Data Monitoring.
- http://www.zebraplace.com - Social shopping with cashback and donations.
- http://www.bookdiscounter.nl - A book discounter
- http://www.bookatc.com - A generic online booking system that aims to be as simple and flexible as possible
Web Application Build With Stripes
- http://code.google.com/p/foobarblog/ - FooBarBlog, a simple Blogging Web Application
- http://code.google.com/p/orblogs/ - ORBlogs: Oregon Blogs Development, a Blog-agregator with something more
- http://code.google.com/p/foobarwiki/ - FooBarWiki, a simple wiki web application
- Portofino 4 - Create a webapp from an existing database in 30 seconds.
NORD POS mobi - a source code of the Java servlets included ORMLite for DAO and jQuery Mobile for UI.
Published Book
- Stripes ...and Java web development is fun again by Frederic Daoud, published by The Pragmatic Programmers
Published Articles and Talks
- Java Web Development with Stripes Samuel Santos @ JavaPT09, September 2009
- Java Web Development With Stripes Mark Eagle @ OnJava, January 2007
- Presentation to Atlanta JUG on Stripes, Mark Eagle and Phil Barnes, November 2006
- Stripes Takes Struts to the Next Level, Benoy Jose @ Java Boutique, October 8 2006
- Configureless J2EE development with Stripes, Apache Derby, and Eclipse, B.J. Allmon @ developerWorks, August 22 2006
- Struts to Stripes - A Road Worth Traveling, Rick Smith @ devx, July 17 2006
Blog Entries
- Stripes and Shiro Janne Jalkanen, September 10 2010
- Theming With Spring And Stripes tmjee, March 2009
- Handy Stripes Interceptors tmjee, Feb 2009
- Handy Stripes TypeConverters for JPA tmjee, Feb 2009
- Handy Stripes Extensions tmjee, Feb 2009
- Stripes framework and jQuery Autocomplete Samuel Santos, December 2008
- Stripes framework and jQuery: AJAX forms and HTTP Session Validation Samuel Santos, October 2008
- The Stripes Book Blog Contains blog entries about Stripes. Frederic Daoud, July 2008
- Stripes 1.5 Feature: Clean URLs Gregg Bolinger, January 2008
- Autocompleting with Stripes and Scriptaculous Mark Eagle, December 2006
- Webwork and Stripes: A Simple Performance Comparison Jeff C, October 27 2006
- Migrating from WebWork to Stripes, Pt 1 Jeff C, October 16 2006
- Basic CRUD with Stripes, Spring and Hibernate Roel Van der Paal, September 11 2006
- Stripes is the new Rails Paul Barry, July 11 2006
- Stripes?... sounds cool Alexandru Popescu (aka The Mindstom), June 21 2006
- Stripes on Rail Ray Tsang, June 16 2006
- Web forms on rails — or so Sebastian Biegel, May 4 2006
- Stripes 1.3 Rocks Andrew Hallam, April 19 2006
- Nice Java Web Framework Cagan Senturk, April 14 2006
- Comparing webapp frameworks : Stripes Simon Brown, March 10 2006
- JBoss Seam, Stripes and Hibernate: An Irreverent Look at Java Software Frameworks & RoR Angsuman Chakraborty, October 25 2005
- Stripes is not Struts 2.0 Greg Hinkle, September 8 2005
, multiple selections available,
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