Overriding PopulationStrategy per ActionBean

Overriding PopulationStrategy per ActionBean

How to use non-default PopulationStrategy only on particular ActionBean(s)

PopulationStrategy is configurable globally, but sometimes it's convenient if we could use different population strategy for a particular action bean. This entry shows you how to achieve it by using a custom population strategy implementation.

Create the custom population strategy and the annotation

The custom population strategy:

public class SelectivePopulationStrategy implements PopulationStrategy 
private static final Log LOG = Log.getInstance(SelectivePopulationStrategy.class); 

private Configuration config; 
private PopulationStrategy defaultDelegate; 
private Map<Class<? extends PopulationStrategy>, PopulationStrategy> delegates = 
new HashMap<Class<? extends PopulationStrategy>, PopulationStrategy>(); 
private Map<Class<? extends ActionBean>, PopulationStrategy> actionBeanStrategies = 
new HashMap<Class<? extends ActionBean>, PopulationStrategy>(); 

protected PopulationStrategy getDelegate(InputTagSupport tag) 
throws StripesJspException 
ActionBean actionBean = tag.getActionBean(); 
if (actionBean == null) 
return defaultDelegate; 

// check cache 
Class<? extends ActionBean> beanType = actionBean.getClass(); 
PopulationStrategy delegate = actionBeanStrategies.get(beanType); 
if (delegate != null) 
return delegate; 

CustomPopulationStrategy annotation = 
if (annotation == null) 
delegate = defaultDelegate; 
Class<? extends PopulationStrategy> type = annotation.value();
delegate = delegates.get(type); 
if (delegate == null) 
delegate = type.newInstance(); 
delegates.put(type, delegate); 
catch (Exception e) 
delegate = defaultDelegate; 
LOG.info("Could not instantiate population strategy" 
+ " of name [" + type + "]", e); 

// cache and return 
actionBeanStrategies.put(beanType, delegate); 
return delegate; 

public Object getValue(InputTagSupport tag) throws StripesJspException 
PopulationStrategy strategy = getDelegate(tag); 
Object value = (strategy).getValue(tag); 
return value; 

public void init(Configuration configuration) throws Exception
this.config = configuration; 
defaultDelegate = new DefaultPopulationStrategy(); 

The annotation:

public @interface CustomPopulationStrategy 
Class<? extends PopulationStrategy> value() 
default DefaultPopulationStrategy.class; 

Annotate your ActionBean

Drop the SelectivePopulationStrategy into Stripes' extensions package and annotate your action bean.
Assuming you want to use BeanFirstPopulationStrategy on your ExampleActionBean, it would look as follows.

public class ExampleActionBean ... 

The other (unannotated) action beans will use the DefaultPopulationStrategy.